Waterfall, 1984
Estimate: € 4.000 - 8.000
Hammer price: € 4.000
Auction is closed.
(Wendorf, Mecklenburg 1930) » To the biography
Waterfall, 1984
Estimate: € 4.000 - 8.000
Hammer price: € 4.000
Auction is closed.
"Zum Schweigen der Schrift.", 1979
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Auction is closed.
"Tisch der Austreibung", 1977/2019
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Auction is closed.
"Nagelbild" (Chlodwigplatz in Cologne), 1983
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 900
Auction is closed.
Wind II, 2001
Estimate: € 5.000 - 8.000
Hammer price: € 8.500
Auction is closed.
Hommage à Pierre Boulez, 1992
Estimate: € 7.000 - 14.000
Hammer price: € 7.000
Auction is closed.
White cloud, 1989
Estimate: € 2.500 - 5.000
Hammer price: € 3.200
Auction is closed.
Untitled (from the series Sibirien), 1984
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 3.800
Auction is closed.
Untitled (from the series Mongolei), 1984
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 4.000
Auction is closed.
Untitled (from the series Mongolei), 1984
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 4.000
Auction is closed.
Untitled (from the series Mongolei), 1984
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 4.500
Auction is closed.
Untitled (from the series Mongolei), 1984
Estimate: € 3.000 - 7.000
Hammer price: € 4.000
Auction is closed.
Untitled (from the series Mongolei), 1984
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 4.000
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1980
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 600
Auction is closed.
15 tractates and one lithograph, 1986
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1975
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 600
Auction is closed.
mixed lot of two works: Uecker Zeitung; book: Günter Uecker: watercolour Sibirien Mongolei, newspaper: 1978; book: 1988
Estimate: € 300 - 600
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1991
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 600
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1980
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 500
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1971
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Hammer price: € 3.300
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1971
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Hammer price: € 3.300
Auction is closed.
Weißweiß, 1989
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 11.000
Auction is closed.
Sibirische Landschaft, 1982
Estimate: € 2.500 - 5.000
Hammer price: € 5.500
Auction is closed.
Wie weiß ist, wissen die Weißen, 1972
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Auction is closed.
Reihung, 1975
Estimate: € 2.500 - 5.000
Hammer price: € 2.500
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1971
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Hammer price: € 3.500
Auction is closed.
Schweigen der Schrift, 1981
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 800
Auction is closed.
Do it yourself, ca. 1968/69
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 500
Auction is closed.
Wüstenfunde, 1989
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 800
Auction is closed.
Wüste Gobi, 1985
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Hammer price: € 1.000
Auction is closed.
Zum Schweigen der Schrift die Sprachlosigkeit, 17 photographs, 1978/79
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 500
Auction is closed.
Kunstpranger, 1984
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 8.000
Auction is closed.
Brett II., 1991
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 500
Auction is closed.
Drei Beete im zärtlichen Garten (original portfolio of 5 sheets), 1980
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 1.000
Auction is closed.
Hommage à Picasso, 1974
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 500
Auction is closed.
Island-Aquarelle, Vorfelzeichnungen Vatnajökull, 1987
Estimate: € 300 - 600
Hammer price: € 300
Auction is closed.
Lohengrin, 1986
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 1.300
Auction is closed.
Bildrituale, 1981/1986
Estimate: € 1.500 - 3.000
Hammer price: € 1.500
Auction is closed.
Aufbruch, 1992
Estimate: € 2.000 - 4.000
Hammer price: € 7.500
Auction is closed.
Polare der Destruktion II., 1981
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 800
Auction is closed.
Hommage à Uecker
Estimate: € 2.000 - 4.000
Hammer price: € 5.000
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1973
Estimate: € 3.000 - 6.000
Hammer price: € 3.500
Auction is closed.
7 geheime Briefe, 1982
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 700
Auction is closed.
Untitled, 1971
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 500
Auction is closed.
Ludwig van Beethovens Leonore, Lithografien: 1974; Buch: 1978
Estimate: € 500 - 1.000
Hammer price: € 700
Auction is closed.
Leibbeschreibung eines Nagels, portfolio of 8 relief printings, 1970
Estimate: € 1.000 - 2.000
Hammer price: € 1.600
Auction is closed.
Grenzverhältnisse, 1984
Estimate: € 2.000 - 4.000
Hammer price: € 6.000
Auction is closed.
Wendorf, Mecklenburg 1930 geb.